Portuguese Blood Institute asks for donations in December and January

PORTUGUÊSE BLOOD INSTITUTE ASKS FOR DONATION IN DECEMBER AND JANUARYThe Instituto Português do Sangue are calling for blood donation, especially during the months of December and January, warning that blood reserves are at normal levels, "but it is necessary to avoid the impact of possible pandemic demands such as prophylactic isolation."

Speaking to Lusa news agency, the president of the Portuguese Institute of Blood and Transplantation (IPST), Maria Antónia Escoval Martins, said “traditionally, we already have respiratory infections and, this year, there are also COVID-19 infections and prophylactic isolations. There are many people in prophylactic isolation and there is a suspension period for those who have respiratory infections and for those who have COVID-19 infections,” she explained.

"The probability of transmission through transfusion is a purely theoretical risk, but we always use precautionary measures," added the official.

Maria Antónia Escoval Martins said that the IPST blood reserve levels "are at usual values ​​for this time of year, but the months of December and January are always when we most need to reinforce the supply."

The IPST president considered that this year has been a "particularly good for blood donation", that by the end of November, at the IPST alone ( which represents 60% of the donations), there were 8.5% more donations, but remembering that there is also "7.5% more distribution of blood components than in 2020".

The official explained that “We are concerned not only with the situation of the parties, but also with the first week of January, with people telecommuting, as we have to guarantee 800 to 1000 units of blood and blood components every day in hospitals,” she said.

Ms Martins explained that, within the scope of IPST's strategy they are promoting donation in December and January, to universities, student associations, university federations, parish councils and the sports clubs.

“Donation has to be continued throughout the year, because of the problems with the expiration dates of the blood components. There is also the fact that men can only give blood every three months and women every four", she said "We have to guarantee reserves during these two months, which are always particularly difficult , but that this year the situation is aggravated by this situation of isolation”.

Due to the pandemic, there have been changes in the frequency of donation faculties being open, but "Blood donation is a constant challenge," said the official, that the aging of the population brings added difficulties and underlining the importance of maintaining constant donation throughout the year and encouraging a new generation of donors.

Anyone in the Algarve wishing to give blood should telephone Portimão (282 450 300) or Faro hospital (289 891 275).

Source Barlavento