
Portugal is the ‘best place to visit by aeroplane’

airbusPortugal has been voted the ‘Best Holiday Destination for Aviation’ among 25 European countries competing in the Zoover Awards, according to Turismo de Portugal.

The awards are divided into categories such as destinations, tourist attractions and accommodation. The country earned a score of 9.12 on a scale of 0 to 10.

Categories where Portugal did well were ‘hospitality’ 9.23, ‘reached by plane’  9.19, ‘culture’ 9.16 and ‘food’ 9.09.

The President of Turismo de Portugal said that "tourism is a key plan for our country and recognition as the best holiday destination by plane in Europe is the result of excellence in the promotion of Portugal whose reputation has steadily been gaining strength.”

The results were based on votes by users of the website zoover.com which has more than 150 million visitors per year. The awards ceremony was held on the 17th of  April in Amsterdam. This award comes hot on the heels of TAP winning the ‘Best Airline in Europe’ category in the World Travels Awards.

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