
Billing software ban is just the start...

hotel3Portugal’s Hotels Association has meekly accepted the overnight withdrawal of the now illegal billing software used by many of its members but asks for a ‘reasonable period’ for it to be replaced.

The Association of Hotels, Restaurants for Portugal (AHRESP) is aware that many of its members are unable immediately to change the now illegal software programme marketed by Time Return but is carrying the government line in issuing a compliant statement.  

The software programme was declared illegal on April 24th as it was suspected that many traders had found ways of meddling with the programme to their own benefit, thus depriving the state of information used in tax assessments and IVA returns.

Inspectors have watsed no time in pouncing on traders using the now illegal system in operation “Fatura Suspensa” where fines can be as much as €37,000.

The Secretary of State for Fiscal Affairs has instructed the Central Bureau of Investigation and Prosecution (DCIAP) to charge Time Return "for the alleged crime of computer falsehood," which carries a maximum sentence of five years in jail for the directors.

The company is defending itself against charges and Time Return's chief Miguel Manso said the government’s “abusive notification” has seriously damaged his business. “We have already heard that our competitors are taking advantage of this as companies using our system are being forced to spend unnecessary funds buying another one."

The software ban was instigated after a months long inquiry into the suspect computer programme culminating in the overnight countrywide ban which left thousands of businesses unable legally to trade until their computers had a new programme installed and staff had been trained in its use.

The revenue is clamping down on traders with this and similar actions that include undercover inspections in the property rental market, especially looking at short-term lets to tourists and whether Alojamento Local licences are in place for rental proerties and whether all income is being reported correctly, if at all.

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