CHUA joins cross-border project that aims to save energy

CHUA JOINS CROSS-BORDER PROJECT THAT AIMS TO SAVE ENERGYThe Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Algarve (CHUA) is one of the members of a project named “Green Hospitals: Energy Efficiency in Cross-Border Hospitals”, which aims to improve practices and energy efficiency in the Iberian health sector.

The project is financed by the Cross-Border Cooperation Program between Spain and Portugal (POCTEP) 2021-2027 and its “main objective is the implementation in Iberian hospitals of best energy efficiency practices and innovative technologies that allow increasing levels of energy savings”, CHUA said in a statement.

“The relevance of this project is in line with one of POCTEP’s priority areas of action, which focuses on implementing actions and projects aimed at reducing Greenhouse Gas emissions”, added the hospital center.

Centro Hospitalar do Algarve is one of five Portuguese entities in this project, which also includes two Spanish entities.

The total financial allocation of POCTEP 2021-2027 for this Green Hospitals project is €2,485,039, of which €1,863,780 will be financed by the FEDER (75% co-financing rate).

“The Health sector has been referenced as an ally in responding to climate change, by providing healthcare to populations affected by the climate crisis”, states CHUA .

“However, health institutions, especially hospitals, are also, although little known, promoters of the problem, as their activities involve intensive energy consumption due to the need to constantly ensure safety and quality conditions, which now we are trying to mitigate it with these actions”, he adds.

The Green Hospitals project is a multidimensional approach that encompasses people, networks of entities, administrations and buildings, and can not only contribute to reducing the ecological footprint of hospitals, but also to increasing the sustainability of Iberian healthcare systems.