Algarve to receive €1.2 million to treat urban waste

ALGARVE TO RECEIVE €1.2 MILLION TO TREAT URBAN WASTEYesterday, it was announced that the 16 municipalities of the Algarve will receive €1.2 million from the Environmental Fund to carry out projects to increase their capacity for selective collection of urban waste, in particular bio-waste.

The Algarve Intermunicipal Community (AMAL) informed, in a statement, that it signed with the Environmental Fund, for the second consecutive year, a technical and financial collaboration protocol worth around 1.2 million euros.

This commitment will allow “the allocation of financing to municipalities for investments in projects that aim to increase the quantity and quality of waste recycling, in particular bio-waste”, reads the statement.

The protocol regulates the terms and conditions, of a technical and financial nature, of the collaboration between the Fund and the Algarve Intermunicipal Community, within the scope of the “RecolhaBio - Support for the implementation of selective collection of bio-waste” Program.

“It is intended that, in the end, municipalities will be able to demonstrate the increase that this support provided in the collection of bio-waste and/or in the increase in the quantities of waste collected selectively”, highlights the statement.

The commitment also includes the construction of infrastructure and the acquisition of equipment associated with this service.

The protocol also foresees an investment in “raising awareness among the public to improve their practices, ultimately promoting the reduction of waste disposal in landfills”.

The Environmental Fund, created in 2016, is the main financing instrument for environmental policy and climate action in Portugal. It aims to financially support environmental policies with a view to pursuing the objectives of sustainable development and the national and international commitments assumed, relating to climate change, water resources, waste and the conservation of nature and biodiversity.

Source Lusa