
Dozens of migrants perish at sea

seasIn the latest migrant tragedy, dozens are feared drowned in the Mediterranean today.

One boat, carrying 400 people, was about 100 nautical miles south of the Italian island of Lampedusa when it capsized. Vessels from both the Italian navy and coast guards rushed to the area along with helicopters.

The coast guard said that commercial vessels in the area rescued some 200 but fears are high that many others have drowned, including women and children.

As dozens of similar vessels before it, this one had embarked from Libya in the hope of reaching Lampedusa which has had to cope with tens of thousands of migrants in recent years.

But only last weekend the country said it might allow yet more tens of thousands to depart unless it gets much more help from the European Union.

"I’m warning the world and Europe in particular - if they do not assume their responsibilities, Libya could facilitate the transit of this flood,” said Salah Mazek, the interim interior minister. “Libya has paid the price. Now it’s Europe’s turn to pay,” he said.

For its part, Italy has said that it can not cope any longer on its own and has repeatedly called for urgent help from the EU.

Italy launched Operation Mare Nostrum sea rescue operation last October after 350 Eritreans downed. So far around 25,000 people have been rescued this year.

Critics say the operation encourages migrants as they have greater confidence in being rescued rather than drifting in the sea.

Behind all the misery are criminal gangs who profit from human trafficking.

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