
Volunteers needed to plant trees in Cruz da Fóia, Monchique

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO PLANT TREES IN CRUZ DA FÓIA, MONCHIQUEIn an initiative developed in partnership with the BRIDGE Project and the University of Évora, Monchique City Council will be planting trees in Cruz da Fóia on January 27th, and are looking for volunteers to help carry out the maintenance of this Life Relict Project.

“This intervention will allow us to continue the preservation of the rare habitat in Europe, listed in the Habitat Directive (92/43/CEE) as a priority for conservation and which is described as Arborescent Thickets of Laurus nobilis or Matos Altos de Lauroids”, explains the municipality in a statement.

This habitat, dominated by plants that witnessed the Laurissilva forests that occupied the Iberian Peninsula in past geological eras, includes the Adelfeiras – target of the Life-Relict Project.

The action will place around 3,000 plants characteristic of this habitat.

Volunteers must bring practical clothing and appropriate footwear, gloves, planting equipment, a hoe, water and snack/picnic lunch.

Registration is open until midday on January 26th via email ddr@cm-monchique.pt, and via telephone on 282 910 284.


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