
Faro to Tangier ferry link proposed

tangiersCan the almost forgotten dream of a sea link between Faro and Tangier be revived?

There were discussions 20 years ago but the project was shelved as the parties involved could not agree on the time of day, let alone to cooperate on such an important international trade and tourism project.

The city elders from Faro and Tangier have agreed that the idea needs replaying and it may indeed make good commercial sense to open a transport link for passengers and freight.

A delegation from Faro council made its way to Tangier earlier this month and had fruitful meetings with their counterparts and members of the Moroccan business community. Both sides now agree that a ferry link makes sense.

There already is a good level of cultural exchange and cooperation between the two cities which have been twinned since 1954. Morocco already has a consulate in Faro and with the expected investment in Faro docks as part of Portugal’s €6 billion infrastructure redevelopment the time may be right to establish a ferry service.

The commonly used ferry service to Tangier is from Algeciras, near Gibraltar, some 4 to 5 hours drive from the Algarve. The tourist potential is exciting and the trade benefits from a freight link to the north African coast will not go un-noticed among Portugal’s exporters.

The element missing from this well-meaning equation is who is to set up and run the ferry operation? If councils are thinking of getting involved then an early warning should be issued that this sort of commercial operation is not within their remit.


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