GNR records 827 accidents, 2 deaths and 10 serious injuries during 'Operation Easter'

GNR RECORDS 827 ACCIDENTS, 2 DEATHS AND 10 SERIOUS INJURIES DURING 'OPERATION EASTER' UnpublishedTwo people died and 10 were seriously injured in the 827 accidents recorded by the GNR during their 'Operation Easter 2024' road safety campaign, which started last Thursday and ends today.

Of the 22,263 drivers monitored during the operation, 303 were driving with excess alcohol and 165 were arrested for driving with a blood alcohol level greater than 1.2 g/l.

The statement released by the GNR also says that 56 people were arrested for driving without a legal license.

Between 00:00 on Thursday and 23:59 on Sunday, 240 minor injuries were also recorded on the roads.

In total during the operation, the GNR detected 2,913 road traffic violations, 642 for speeding, 455 for lack of mandatory periodic inspection, 153 for lack of mandatory civil liability insurance and 76 for anomalies in lighting and signaling systems. 69 drivers were also detected using their cell phone incorrectly while driving and 85 cases of missing or incorrect use of seat belts and/or child seats.
