
Rooney criticises Algarve training conditions

rooneyThe multi-millionaire Manchester United striker Wayne Rooney is recovering from injuries in Vale do Lobo where the full England squad is to train from the 19th to the 23rd of May.

Some players are arriving early as they have property in the Algarve and will get in some relaxation before the hard work starts.

Rooney arrived in Vale do Lobo earlier this week with two trainers at his disposal to try and get back into shape after an injury, he must be on top form if he is to be selected for the England squad going to the World Cup in Brazil.

The Manchester United golden boy already has missed the last three games of the season due to groin problems but does not seem at all happy with the resources on offer at Vale do Lobo where the squad is to train.

"The pitch is not good, is soft and a little small," according to Rooney in comments published in the UK by The Sun newspaper.

The Football Association clearly disagrees and earlier said that Vale do Lobo had again been chosen as an ideal training camp.

Why Rooney thought it necessary openly to disagree with the FA's decision to return to Vale de Lobo is a matter best addressed by its management. Rooney's skills clearly are on the football pitch and not in the PR department.

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