Vila Real de Stº António: young couple arrested for drug trafficking

VILA REAL DE STº ANTÓNIO: YOUNG COUPLE ARRESTED FOR DRUG TRAFFICKINGPolice in Vila Real de Stº António arrested a 21 year old woman and a 26 year old man yesterday, for drug trafficking in Monte Gordo.

While patrolling, GNR officers noticed a woman who was riding an electric bicycle acting suspiciously. After being confronted, she was found to have 16 doses of hashish in her possession. GNR searched the woman's home, where she lives with her boyfriend, a 26 year old man.
The search resulted in the seizure of 730 doses of hashish; 84 doses of MDMA; two precision scales; a knife and around 200 euros in cash.

The couple will appear in the Judicial Court of Vila Real de Santo António.