
Construction industry suffers further falls

buildingThe volume of production in the construction sector in March this year, compared to the previous month, fell in the eurozone by -0.6%.

Portugal led this trend, recording a drop of -3%, the largest in the euro region. The Netherlands and Germany were not far behind, with falls of -2.6% and -2.2% respectively.

Worse still for Portugal is the annual comparison of March 2014 with 2013. The fall in construction registered -13.8%, again the biggest fall in all of the eurozone.

In the six months leading up to March of this year, construction volume was down every single month compared to the same period in 2013.

The figures include both building construction and civil engineering.

The trend in Spain was more positive. There construction was up by 1% in March this year compared to February. And on an annual comparison, construction boomed 19% ahead of what it had been in March 2013.

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