
Ana Paula Martins will spearhead the first Algarve local health system and new hospital

ANA PAULA MARTINS WILL SPEARHEAD THE FIRST ALGARVE LOCAL HEALTH SYSTEM AND NEW HOSPITALAna Paula Martins, Minister of Health, will take over the first local health system and new hospital in the Algarve.

In a statement, the PSD Algarve says that the Minister of Health, heard today at the Health Commission of the Assembly of the Republic, says that she will create the country's first local health system in the Algarve, which will include all municipalities in the region, "and establish an articulation of resources between the public, social and private systems in order to optimize the health care provided and combat the chronic bottlenecks that the region faces in this area".

When questioned by PSD deputies, the party states that Ana Paula Martins stated that "the Algarve is a different region, so it has to be treated differently. That's why we're going to have the country's first local health system in the region. And that is why the Prime Minister will clarify the issue of the timeline for the advancement of the Algarve Central Hospital", assuming that the proposal under study is to be a public-private partnership, that will include management.


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