Dutch national football squad arrives in the Algarve

footballThe Dutch national football squad arrived today in Algarve to prepare for the World Cup.

The Dutch football management chose the Cascade Resort in Lagos where they will enjoy the top class facilities at the Football Academy until next Tuesday, the 27th May. The English squad is staying at Vale de Lobo.

“Few destinations can boast of having received two of the best soccer teams in the world simultaneously. The Algarve region is to be congratulated for providing the unique conditions for sports training,” said the president of Algarve Tourism, Desiderio Silva.

The Dutch close Cascade for its “first class sporting facilities, including natural turf soccer fields of superior quality, luxury accommodation, and the gym and spa. The resort has all the necessary infrastructure to welcome the players and their technical team in comfort and privacy."

The Netherlands and the UK account for about 55% of overnight stays in the Algarve by foreign tourists with 6.2 million overnight stays in 2013.