
Police arrest 16 year old suspected of stabbing young man in Faro

POLICE ARREST 16 YEAR OLD SUSPECTED OF STABBING YOUNG MAN IN FAROA 16 year old teenager has been arrested on suspicion of having killed the 19 year old man near the municipal swimming pools in Faro, on Wednesday evening.

See the article HERE.

The victim was attacked “using a sharp weapon”, which caused “serious chest trauma” which resulted in his death “at the scene of the attacks, next to the municipal swimming pools in Faro”, say the police, in a statement.

The Judicial Police have revealed in the statement that the attack occurred “following a previously scheduled confrontation between a group of young teenagers”.

“Aware that they were outnumbered, the group of four young people that included the victim fled, being pursued by more than a dozen other teenagers. When they separated, the victim ended up being ambushed and fatally attacked.”

Investigations carried out by the Southern Directorate of the PJ allowed them “to collect relevant evidence that led to the complete identification of those involved, including the suspect responsible for the crime”.

The detainee will be brought before the judicial authority for the purposes of initial questioning and application of coercive measures.

Source Lusa -  Photo courtesy of Depositphotos.com

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