Sagres: the highest underwater mountain in Europe is the target of a scientific expedition

Sagres: the highest underwater mountain in Europe is the target of a scientific expeditionEurope's tallest underwater mountain, the Gorringe Bank, is located 200 kilometres off the coast of the Algarve at Sagres and is currently the target of a scientific expedition.

According to the Institute for Nature Conservation and Forests (ICNF), this mountain range “is 200 kilometres from the tip of Sagres, extending for another 200 kilometres and at 5000 metres high is the highest mountain range in Europe”.

It is a place “rich in biodiversity (850 species) and habitats, as a result of its 5000 metre altitude, a host to marine life from coastal areas and at great depths, such as cold-water corals.”

The Gorringe Bank serves as a “stopping point for migratory species, such as whales, sharks and turtles”, explains the ICNF.

For three weeks, 26 scientists from various institutions, both Portuguese and foreign, who set off on Saturday in three sailboats, will take part in an expedition that will deepen their knowledge in this area of ​​the Natura 2000 Network, contributing to achieving the goal of having 30% of the Portuguese marine area protected, and to prepare the creation of a Protected Marine Area.

In addition to the ICNF, the expeditionary initiative co-financed by the Environmental Fund is promoted by the Ministry of Environment and Energy, Oceano Azul Foundation Oceano Azul, Oceanário and the Portuguese Navy.
