Over 5000 firefighters continue to fight the fires in the north

Over 5000 firefighters continue to fight the fires in the northThe report released by Safe Communities Portugal at around 7am this morning confimrs that around 5100 operatives, supported by 1600 land resources, are still fighting the multiple fires in mainland Portugal.

According to the National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority (ANEPC) website, 36 of the 54 fires are active, with the remainder under resolution, or in conclusion.

The following is an overview of some of the main fires.

Fire in Albergaria-a-Velha

Practically completely contained". The municipal coordinator of Civil Protection in Albergaria-a-Velha, João Oliveira, said that the fire is "practically completely contained" and that more than 40 houses have been affected by the flames.

Vila Pouca de Aguiar fire

- Mayor says "situation is calming down" in Vila Pouca de Aguiar fire. The Mayor of Vila Pouca de Aguiar stated that the "situation is calming down" in the municipality of Vila Real, but that the fight against fires will depend on weather conditions. Motorway 24 (A24) reopened at 3:00 am along its entire length in the Vila Pouca de Aguiar area, after having been closed due to the fires raging in the municipality, said a source from the GNR


Fighting the flames in Gondomar is complicated and the fire is on several fronts. The Mayor of Gondomar, Marco Martins, stated that it is difficult to combat the fires that are raging in that municipality in the Porto district and that there are several active fronts

Fires in Cabeceiras de Basto under control.

The fire that broke out on Monday night in Cabeceiras de Basto, in the district of Braga, was considered under control at 2:00 am, the National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority told Lusa.

Arouca fire

Firefighters speak of a very serious and uncontrollable situation due to a fire in Arouca The fire that broke out on Tuesday in Castro Daire spread to Arouca at around 11pm and is creating a very serious and uncontrollable situation in the neighbouring municipality, say municipal sources. The Government of Arouca has announced that the schools of the Arouca School Group and the Escariz School Group will be closed today, as a precaution and after the activation of the Municipal Civil Protection Emergency Plan.

In Samardã, in Vila Real

It was a very difficult night with the fire reaching close to the houses. One of the residents of Samardã said that they experienced moments of distress. "The fire has a new front, burning freely, and if there are no resources it will reach the village again", he said in statements to SIC.

In Gravanço, Águeda

The night was a night of shock. The GNR knocked on all doors to get people out of their homes. The area is full of smoke and the wind threatens to push the flames towards the town. The fire raging in Águeda, district of Aveiro, became more complicated during the night, with changes in the wind and rekindling, and by early this morning the situation was once again out of control, according to the mayor. The wind is pushing the fire closer to the houses near the industrial area of Águeda. Residents are on alert and are trying to protect their homes with water.

Oliveira de Azeméis

The situation in the municipality of Oliveira de Azeméis is calmer than it was during the night and early morning, according to reporter Márcia Silva Gonçalves. The village of Chousal was evacuated on Tuesday and the population has now started to return.

Sever do Vouga

Around seven thousand hectares have already been burned in practically all the parishes of Sever do Vouga. Firefighters are currently fighting an active front that could threaten homes in the locality of Silva Escura. “If people continue to set fires – as they have been doing – there is no way to fight this”, laments the mayor, Pedro Amadeu Lobo, in statements to SIC.

Fire in Cabeceiras de Basto

The fire that broke out on Monday night in Cabeceiras de Basto, in the district of Braga, was considered under control at 2:00 am, the National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority (ANEPC) told Lusa.

Source and photo -  Safe Communities Portugal