
Loulé chosen as a 'European City of Sport' for 2015

louleLoulé has been chosen as a European City of Sport 2015 in an award ceremony this week-end presided over by the President of the Association of European Cities and Capitals in Europe, Gian Lupatteli.

Loulé mayor, Victor Aleixo, interpreted the choice as "a stimulus to the promotion of sport policies and health," placing particular emphasis on "informal sport" practiced by large sections of the local population from the coast to the mountains, "Not just in competitive sporting competitions."

Lupatteli said that the 20 cities that are to be associated within this European network next year, with Turin as their capital, will develop a plan to promote sports tourism.

Vítor Aleixo mentioned the infrastructure and equipment that Loulé has, as well as its modern hotels. But the social and political issues, he said, can not be forgotten, "We have a great responsibility at a time when Europe is experiencing a serious crisis," referring to the need for sport to function as "a means of cohesion between people.”

The Secretary of State for Sport and Youth, Emidio Guerreiro commented in the application for Loulé to become a European City of Sport, that the government gave its full support, commenting, "Loulé is characterised by its dynamism and sporting eclecticism based on a strong and shared network."

Guimarães was European Capital of Sport in 2013, and Maia in 2014.

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