Albufeira wants to impose fines for nudity, spitting and abandoning shopping trolleys

Albufeira wants to impose fines for nudity, spitting and abandoning shopping trolleysAlbufeira City Council wants to impose fines ranging from 500 to 1800 euros on anyone who walks around naked, in a bikini, spits on the ground, or abandons shopping carts.

Other offences are included too, such as spending the night, camping or preparing any type of food on public roads, and penalisation of those who make noise in residential areas, or who damage or destroy property belonging to the municipal heritage.

All of these proposed sanctions were published on Wednesday February 12th, in the Official Gazette, and arei n public consultation.

It is proposed that anyone in a state of complete nudity in public spaces or public transport, as well as in private space which is visible from a public space, will be fined. However, anyone who is partially naked, for instance in a bikini, trikini, swimsuit swim shorts or underwear – may also be subject to fines of between 300 and 1500 euros. It will only be possible to walk in a state of partial nudity on the beaches and bathing areas in Albufeira, in the access areas to them (namely, car parks) and in outdoor spaces intended for the collective use of hotel units.

The practice or simulation of any type of sexual act, individual or otherwise, will also be subject to fines.

The proposed new fines had been promised by the local authority, as a response to cases of tourists who, in various circumstances, appeared naked, simulating sexual acts or engaging in aggressive acts.

If these new legislations come into place, the Municipal Police will be responsible for enforcing the rules.

Source - Photo courtesy of