"Finanças offices should stay open"

Financas office closure fightSupport from the Green party today gave impetus to the movement to keep open those Finanças offices in the Algarve that face closure.

MP José Luís Ferreira from the Greens party (os Verdes) views the closure of tax offices in the Algarve as "a real blow to the quality of services provided to the citizens of this region."

At issue is the intention of the government to shut down about half of the current tax offices in the country, and according to a report from the Union of Taxation Workers, services in the Algarve will be closed in Alcoutim, Aljezur, Castro Marim, Monchique, São Brás and Vila do Bispo, represent more than a quarter of existing Finanças offices.

"We are faced with another blow to the quality of public services provided to citizens and taxpayers in the Algarve, as negotiated between the PS, PSD,CDS and the Troika, which will make the lives of people in the Algarve worse than they already are.”

‘The Greens’ claim that the government already has confirmed its intention to close the offices named, which will involve redundancies, and it wants to know how this closure programme will guarantee the right of citizens to have access to this important public service.