This has been a long battle that ‘The Neighbours of the Factory’ have contested with Amorim for many years. In the recent quarterly meeting, they have now been promised that the noise levels are being tested to comply with the EU guidelines, and the smoke pollution will stop by 1st July 2025. We wait and see!
On 25th of February 2025, the 14th quarterly meeting was held to follow up and monitor the work to correct environmental anomalies at the Amorim Cork Insulation (ACI) plant in Vale de Lama, Silves.
The meeting was held at Silves Town Hall and was attended by Councillor Maxime Sousa Bispo and representatives of CCDR-Algarve, the Pestana group, the ‘Factory Neighbours’ Residents' Committee and Amorim Cork Insulation (ACS).
We were pleased to have the presence and participation of the Vice-President of CCDR-Algarve, Architect José Pacheco, and the CEO of Amorim Cork Solutions (ACS), Dr João Pedro Azevedo.
The meeting was constructive and cooperative, with Dr João Pedro Azevedo revealing that he was fully aware of the current unsustainable situation regarding atmospheric pollution and that the dates set for the completion of the procedures to correct environmental anomalies remained as previously defined in previous meetings.
We were also informed by Amorim Cork Solutions (ACS) of the conclusion of the noise reduction work, based on recent acoustic measurements. According to Dr João Pedro Azevedo, the objective of complying with the legal limits defined in the General Noise Regulation and causing as little disturbance as possible will have been achieved, and they will be officially informing the Municipality of Silves of this very soon.
In view of this information, the Residents' Committee “Vizinhos da Fábrica” will carry out its measurements and acoustic tests in March and April, to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the measures implemented so far. The Municipality of Silves will also carry out counter-testing of the elements that Amorim Cork Solutions (ACS) will make officially available.
Amorim Cork Solutions (ACS) has also informed us of two different technical solutions for reducing smoke and odours, and is currently in the process of deciding whether to purchase one or both of these solutions, with a view to building the RTO, with performance guarantees.
Amorim Cork Solutions (ACS) reconfirmed its commitment to no longer emit smoke or odours into the atmosphere from 1 July 2025.
Finally, with regard to the dust and ash polluting the properties of the neighbouring population, Amorim Cork Solutions (ACS) will endeavour to implement corrective measures, based on studies that are already being carried out and which will involve relevant decision-making, which is also underway.
The next follow-up meeting, to be held on 5 May 2025 at 3pm, should bring news on the status of all the procedures for correcting environmental anomalies that are underway.
We would all like to thank the permanent municipal executive of Silves Town Council for their support and commitment in carrying out this participatory process, which aims to correct the environmental anomalies of the Corticeira Amorim factory in Vale da Lama, Silves, with the consequent reduction in pollution caused by its operation, and to improve the relationship between Amorim Cork Insulation (ACS) and the neighbouring population, contributing to a more integrated and participatory community in resolving matters of public interest in the environmental field.
Facebook: PoluicaoSilves