McCann case reopens in Portugal

Madeleine McCann case reopensMadeleine McCann’s parents are 'very satisfied' with the reopening of the investigation into the disappearance of their daughter in May 2007.

Gerry and Kate McCann expressed their delight in a statement to the press today, saying “We are very pleased that the investigation to find our missing daughter Madeleine has been officially reopened in Portugal.

"We hope that this will finally lead to her being found and to the discovery of whoever is responsible for this crime.

 "We once again urge any member of the public who may have information relating to Madeleine's abduction to contact the police in Portugal or the UK.

"Please be patient and respect the work of the police as they endeavour to find the answers we so desperately need.

"In particular we request the media consider carefully Madeleine's safety and the integrity of the investigation in their reporting. Thank you for your understanding and support."

Portugal’s attorney general's office announced the reopening of the investigation after the Judicial Police submitted new evidence of sufficient weight. The case has been filed since July 21st, 2008. Portugal’s attorney general said that "new elements of evidence" justified the police resuming their inquiry.

The BBC's Crimewatch programme broadcast recently suggested that Madeleine probably had disappeared from her bed almost an hour later than had previously been thought.

This raised the possibility that a man seen carrying a child through the streets of the Algarve town of Praia da Luz could have been involved in Madeleine's abduction.  Crimewatch showed two photofit images of the suspect and subsequently received over 2,000 responses.

Portuguese officers based in Oporto have meanwhile presented new leads to the Portuguese judiciary that are additional to those being worked on by British police in Operation Grange which has been running since 2011. The Oporto based enquiry will be conducted in parallel with the Scotland Yard one and British officers already have met up with their Portuguese counterparts in Oporto to compare notes.  

The discovery last week of Maria, a young blonde-haired girl, at a Roma camp in Greece has focussed attention on the possibility that Madeliene McCann may still be alive and has given renewed hope to Madeline’s parents.