
Loulé 'White Night' again cancelled

whitenightAs widely predicted, Loulé Council has decided not to host the popular ‘White Night’ event this year, due to ‘financial reasons.’

In today's statement, which guaranteed the return of the event in 2015 as a sop for the locals, Loulé council stated that "this decision lies primarily with the financial legacy left by the previous executive, in the order of €80 million of liabilities, and accordingly this event would have had a major financial impact on the city council budget."

However, "considering the 'White Night' is one of the most iconic and important events in projection the town and municipality of Loulé" those in charge emphasised that "it is not intended to drop the event, on the contrary, 'White Night' will be back in 2015."

"'White Night' aims to provide visitors with a unique and unforgettable, but above all a cultural and entertainments programme with moments of pure pleasure and relaxation. Wearing white is mandatory and street entertainment, fashion, painting and circus acts have a strong emphasis on boosting trade, the stores are open late into the night and bedecked in white," explains a council which seemed unable to make its mind up whether this is a good thing, or bad.

The free event was launched in 2007 and discontinued in 2011 and 2012 by the need for fiscal restraint in Loulé, returning last year to widespread joy of local businesses and participants.

In 2011, the council justified the suspension of the event by "the need for fiscal restraint as the 'White Night' is an event that involves a large investment and because it is free, generates no direct financial return."

The financial return is for those shops and businesses that enjoy a boost in takings on the night.

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