
Meco beach drownings were accidental

mecobeachThe enquiry into the death of six students at Meco beach last December has concluded it was just an accident and the drownings can not be blamed on the sole survivor, João Gouveia.

The case was filed yesterday by the prosecutor but, as expected, the lawyer representing the grief stricken families of the victims, Vitor Ribeiro Parente, already has said that as soon as this decision is officially recorded he will appeal.

The father of one of the six victims of the Meco Beach tragedy said today that he was not surprised with the decision to file the case and confirmed that the lawyer’s instruction was to appeal.

"I am not surprised but the parents are going ahead with a lawsuit against João Gouveia and others. We will appeal," said António Soares, father of Catherine who died alongside her friends from Universidade Lusófona in Lisbon last December 15.

The officiasl decision to file will be released in the next few days. The reason will be that the investigation discovered no evidence that a crime had been committed, hence Gouveia, the leader of the Official Council of Academic Pranks at the University, can not be blamed for any criminal liability.

The prosecutor failed to establish that any sort of ritual was involved that would have placed the students at risk, hence no prosecution is possible as the only witnesses are dead.

"The investigation concluded that the six students were on the sand and facing the sea when a very large wave, more than three metres high, swept them away.

João Gouveia was swept into the sea but managed to get back to shore.

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