
Portuguese fear that the worst of the crisis is yet to come

oldpersonThe Portuguese are the most unhappy and pessimistic in Europe when it comes to the economic situation, according to a survey released today by the European Commission.

In Portugal, 52% of citizens surveyed fear that the impact of the crisis on employment will worsen.

The 'Spring Eurobarometer' tracking survey reveals that for the first time in several years a majority of Europeans believe that the economic situation will improve in the next 12 months.

They also believe that the impact of the crisis on the labour market has peaked, but not the Portuguese who remain pessimistic and for good reason when surveyiong their fragile economy, high jobless rate and a a political cadre lacking the class and ability to make the changes necessary for the country to grow.

According to the survey, 96% of Portuguese believe the economic situation in the country is bad. It is not yet known whether the 4% who think the economic situation is good are legally insane of just don’t like completing surveys.

This is the highest percentage and ranks alongside Greece and Spain, and well above the EU average of 63%.

In Portugal 52% fear that 'the worst is yet to come' in the labour market, and Portugal is one of the six member states in which this sentiment predominates, joined by France, Cyprus, Greece, Slovenia and Italy.

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