
Aldi UK could beat Waitrose

4765Aldi in the UK is poised to overtake Waitrose to become Britain’s sixth biggest supermarket chain.

Its sales grew by 32% in the last 12 weeks, giving it a market share of 4.8%, just behind Waitrose's 4.9%, Kantar Worldpanel said.

Sales at Lidl in the UK also jumped by 19.5%, which gave it 3.6% of the market.

Sales in the big four were mixed, but Tesco was confirmed as the worst performing retailer with sales falling nearly 4%, causing its market share to drop to 28.9%, down from 30.3%. Its chief executive was ousted last week.

Sales at Morrison also were down, leaving it with 11% of the market.

Asda and Sainsbury´s both managed to increase their sales by about 1% each, leaving them nearly neck by neck with having almost 17% each of consumer spending.

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