
3,000 GNR on traffic duty this weekend

gnrpatrolThe 3,000+ GNR on traffic patrol this weekend have pledged to be 'particularly vigilant’ when looking out for drivers displaying ‘risky behaviour’ as an army of vehicles is driven to Portugal's coastal tourist spots for the summer hols.

This impressive total will patrol roads between Friday and Sunday, as part of 'Operation Hermes - Travel in Safety.'

This is the third phase of a four phase operation that started on July 13 and lasts until September 1, with an increase in road patrols for the 'support and supervision' of drivers on Portugal's roads.

GNR command said that 3,091 GNR traffic police will be on duty, looking out for dangerous overtaking, unannounced and seemingly random changes of direction, not giving way, not maintaining a safe distance, driving without a license, not using a seatbelt, not using child seats, using a mobile phone while driving and probably eating at the same time, driving when legless or stoned and of course - speeding.

During the first and second phases of the operation, 1,465 accidents were recorded with five fatalities, 28 serious injuries and 568 minor injuries. Some 618 drivers were found to be drunk, 536 drivers or passengers were not using a seat belt or a restraint system for children and 2,117 drivers were done for speeding.

It is not know how much revenue was raised as a result of these impressive figures but this weekend's purge should ensure hidden targets are hit.

The fourth and final phase of Operation Hermes will take place between August 29 and September 1, as people head back home after their summer break.

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