
Drugs courier busted at Faro airport

cocaineA drug courier has been stopped, searched and arrested at Faro airport by the Judicial Police who discovered that he had two kilos of cocaine hidden in his bags.

The detainee, referred to only as 'a foreigner,' by the police had flown in to Faro from a South American country putting him high on the list of people to search.

The police say that the cocaine "was destined for the European market," in a statement issued today.

The suspect, aged just 23, will be up before the judicial authorities and the prosecutor will make a case for his detention pending trial.

The Judicial Police also today reported the arrested two men and a woman in the Algarve in possession of 55,600 grammes of hashish in a series of raids.

The detainees, 31, 40 and 42-years old, have already been to court and are being held on remand.

The investigation has been going on for several months and is part of a broader move to identify and dismantle organised criminal networks originating in Morocco which have settled in the Algarve.

The gangs under observation are said to control much of the distribution and supply of hashish in Portugal.

Today’s arrests were made by the National Unit to Combat Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs.

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