
Águas de Portugal website hacked

hackersThe Águas de Portugal website was hacked into on Sunday as part of a continuing series of cyber attacks on well know Portuguese establishment sites.

The ‘OutsideTheLaw’ group of ‘hacktivists’ released private email addresses and other information relating to Águas de Portugal’s management.

The cyber attack on the site resulted in personal information being posted on the group's Facebook page.

In addition to naming senior figures at Águas de Portugal, fiscal numbers and pictures of the directors of Águas de Portugal were published as well as 100 private email addresses.

This attack is linked to a news story in 2010 which revealed the existence of about 400 luxury vehicles driven by Águas de Portugal employees.

‘OutsideTheLaw’ is linked to the activist group Anonymous Portugal and already has been responsible for several attacks on institutions and government departments such as the Bank of Portugal, Banco Espírito Santo and the Regional Government of the Açores.

The Águas de Portugal website was down until early on Tuesday morning as technical teams try and work out how the secure site was hacked into.


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