
Promised bypass team has yet to start work in Faro

farobypassProtest group ‘Salvar Faro, com o coração’ has spotted that the long awaited team set to to complete the bypass across the north of the regional capital is nowhere in sight despite promises by Estradas de Portugal.

The announcement that the work had resumed now seems to have been premature and despite last week’s carefully staged photo opportunity for council members and Estradas de Portugal management, “only three machines were operating" by the end of last week when 50 men and associated diggers had been promised.

In a report in today’s Sul Informaçao the ‘Save Faro’ group released a press release recording "the protests of the population" and condemning the political opportunism of last week’s news which has turned out to be another unkept promise.

The resumption of work, says the group, is in idle mode and the announcement about the resources to be employed simply was "staged propaganda to deceive the public."

Mayor Rogério Bacalhau said on press day last week that there were only two machines working, but "within a week workers would be there in force with more than 50 men and associated machines."

‘Save Faro’ is on the case and observes correctly that there is little work being done on this key bypass, little achieved further than some weed clearance and light pottering.

The announcement, amid the fanfare from Estradas de Portugal regarding full resumption of the work, has indeed proved to be a false dawn.

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