
US love affair with guns ends in tragedy

rifleAn American girl of just nine was having lessons in firing an Uzi submachine gun. If this is not shocking enough, when she pulled the trigger, the Uzi recoiled sending a bullet to pierce the instructor’s head and killing him.

The death happened at the Last Stop shooting range in Arizona where kids as young as eight years can fire weapons if their parents approve.

According to the Last Stop website, visitors can enjoy a “Burgers and Bullets” day, including lunch and a choice of more than 20 automatic weapons to shoot with.

Research has indicated that as many as two children in the US were killed by accidental shootings a week during 2013.

Research by two campaign groups, “Everytown for gun safety” and “Moms demand action”, began compiling the information after the Sandy Hook massacre in 2012 when 20 children were mowed down and 6 adults by a 20-year-old with several guns.

More than 30% of American children are in homes which keep guns, nearly half of which are unlocked and 13% both unlocked and loaded.

One survey revealed that 70% of those under the age of 10 knew precisely where the guns were kept.

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