
Sunken Sagres Cessna located

helicopter2The Cessna 152 light airplane that crashed and sunk off the Sagres coastline last Friday 12 September has been located on the ocean floor.

The position of the wreckage has been confirmed by Navy divers who have inspected the remains of the aircraft.

According to the commander of the port of Lagos and Sagres, Carvalho Pinto, "the wreckage of missing aircraft has been detected and confirmed by divers. Images have been taken which are now being analysed by technical staff.”

The commander said that another dive was to take place on Sunday afternoon, this time a group of naval forensic specialists will be looking over the wreckage.

Fog delayed the start of today’s recovery mission which commenced at 09.30am.

The authorities have yet to issue news of the pilot who still may be in the wreckage of the light aircraft.

The Portuguese pilot, a man of 74, set off in the Cessna, owned by the Aero Club of Portimão, and crashed into the sea in dense fog on Friday morning.


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