
Silves fixes landmark tower

silvestowerAt last the scaffolding is to be erected at the Almedina Tower in Rua Dr. Francisco Vieira, Silves, next the square below the council building.

A contract was awarded in March 2014 to a local company and it will cost over €70,000 to repair, modify and consolidate the tower.

The time limit for completing the job is two months and the company will remove any old plaster, remove plants and old roots, fill the cracks inside and out and inject grouts, as well as using metal rods where needed to keep the structure safe.

The tower was once part of a protective ring around the residential area, or ‘almedina,’ of Silves and was of the four original entrances to the inner city.

The tower consists of a barbican built in the late 12th or early 13th century and inside the tower are rooms and annexes which for many years served as the head quarters of Silves Council.

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