
European card fraud rockets

4775Card fraud in Europe soared to a record level in 2013.

According to the latest data, European card fraud losses hit €1.55bn last year – up by 6.2% between 2012 and 2013.

In the UK, card fraud amounted to €535m in 2013 - up 16% on 2012.

The greatest problems were in the UK and France where 62% of the total losses occurred out of the 19 countries examined.

That figure rises to 80% when adding the card fraud committed in Germany, Russia and Spain.

Following a rapid rise in card fraud, chip and PIN was introduced in the UK. This brought down the crime rate, but in the meantime criminals have engaged in other techniques, such as calling cardholders on the phone and convincing them to reveal their details.

Chip and PIN had already been in effect in France for some time. Criminals there have reverted to forms of ID theft. Losses from ID theft grew from €7.6m in 2006 to a whopping €284m in 2013.

It was in Russia where the greatest leap in card fraud occurred. It rose by 28% between 2012 and 2013.

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