
Gangs tattoo victims

tattooVictims of trafficking have been tattooed by gangs which want to show “ownership”, according to the UK’s National Crime Agency.

A spokesperson said there was emerging evidence that tattoos had been used to mark victims “like cattle”.

“Put very simply, you brand cattle. I can put it in no more stark terms. And that's how traffickers view people - as a commodity to buy and sell,” he said.

A report published by the agency underscored a jump in the number of British people who have been exploited by gangs. Victims include British children who are being transported around the UK for sexual exploitation.

It also noted that traffickers sell some victims for as little as £200 while others are sold for £6,000. Evidence suggests that victims can be sold multiple times.

In addition to enforced prostitution, some victims can be forced to work in poor conditions for little or no pay, as domestic slaves, in criminal activities or as beggars.

The report said: “There is limited information available to suggest that traffickers mark potential victims with tattoos, with various symbols signifying ownership or to show that a victim is over 18.

“Information also suggests that victims may be marked with numbers, but the meaning of these numbers is not known.

“Various sources indicate that tattoos are used globally to mark victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation by traffickers and pimps, but the extent to which this is used in the UK is not known.”

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