Portugal's 5th suspected Ebola case tests negative

vaccineAfter a tense wait for the test results to return, luckily showing that the suspected Ebola case in Oporto did not in fact have the disease, the health department now is taking the risk of an outbreak rather more seriously.

The Director General said today that he is to make sure that information is made widely available to his own healthcare staff.

Portugal's Director General of Health, Francisco George, admitted that "it could have gone better" with the latest patient, who ended up in the São João hospital having first contacted her private healthcare provider and later wandered into the public hospital, (see comment below from 'Arnold')

This latest was the fifth suspected case of Ebola in Portugal and the DirectorGeneral said that over the coming week his team will start and accelerate a planned communication strategy to inform health staff about what to do if a case is suspected.

The Oporto case could have happened at any of Portugal’s hospitals as the woman went to the public hospital having first contacted a private health unit and then making her way to the public hospital. She should have been transported by one of the three ambulances specially prepared for these kind of situations instead of wandering into reception.

Luckily she tested negative for Ebola and a relieved Director-General said that anyone with suspicious symptoms should contact the special Health Line on 24 (808 24 24 24), which has a direct connection to INEM, says Francisco George, adding that the case has led to DGS to move forward with the “enhancement of information measures relating to Ebola.”

What are the symptoms?

Fever, headache, joint and muscle pain, sore throat and intense muscle weakness within 21 days after being infected, with symptoms usually occurring within 5-7 days.

Diarrhoea, vomiting, a rash, stomach pain and impaired kidney and liver function follow before severe internal bleeding, and the patient may also bleed from the ears, eyes, nose or mouth.

What should you do if you think you have Ebola in the UK?

If symptoms are felt within 21 days of coming back from Guinea, Liberia or Sierra Leone, sufferers are advised to stay at home and telephone 111 or 999 to explain that they have visited West Africa.

It will then be advised to be seen at a hospital if necessary to determine the exact cause of the illness. There are other illnesses that are much more common than Ebola (such as flu, typhoid fever and malaria) that have similar symptoms in the early stages, so official medical assessment is very important to ensure the right diagnosis and treatment.


How can you catch Ebola?

It can only be caught by direct contact with bodily fluids and by handling soiled clothing or unsterilised medical equipment that was in contact with an infected person. It is not possible to get infected through social contact or using the same transport or room as a carrier.

How can it be prevented?

By not handling dead animals or their raw meat, not eating ‘bushmeat’ (wild animals not fit for human consumption), avoiding contact with infected people, avoiding sexual contact with people in areas with cases of Ebola and regularly cleaning hands with soap and water, or with alcohol gel.

How is it diagnosed?

A specialist infection clinician will make judgements on what the most likely diagnosis may be based on the patient’s history. If Ebola is considered a cause, blood samples can be sent for laboratory testing and a diagnosis can be made quickly.

How is it treated?

Patients need to be placed in isolated intensive care and the body will need to be kept hydrated, and sometimes an intravenous drip will need to be administered. Blood pressure and oxygen levels need to be maintained with the body organs supported while the body fights the disease.