
Faro council supports islanders' fight over demolition orders

culatraFaro council at last has expressed its opposition to the contract for the ‘rehabilitation’ works on the islands in the Ria Formosa which encompasses the demolition of fishermen’s houses, considering the Pilos plan "detrimental to the best interests of Faro."

The motion presented by the Mayor of Faro, Rogério Bacalhau to the councilors at a full assembly meeting was approved unanimously and marks a solid step forward in another Algarve struggle of the poor against the state.

On October 22 the Official Gazette published the contract details and call for quotes for the demolition of properties on Culatra and Hangares as part of the social engineering inherent in the Polis Litoral Ria Formosa programme, dressed up as health and safetty with a smattering of ecology thrown in.

Faro council now officially is opposed to these plans, "which are detrimental to the best interests of Faro." This statement alone deserves recognition for its clarity and intent.

The council noted that in 2008 when it decided to vote in favour of the Polis Litoral Ria Formosa Programme, it was decided that the interventions tabled would include dredging operations and the construction of a new bridge to Faro island.

Faro council points out the lack of funds available to the Polis programme and says it is hardly worth starting just a part of the overall project now, as the Polis society is to be wound up at the end of next year anyway.

Faro council is against the demolition orders for the targeted buildings as some of them are in areas that are not subject to flooding and waves, the feeble reason Polis has given for their removal as it does not want emergency services to be overburdened if there is a storm.

Faro council had a list of improvements for the island which it had submitted to Polis but none of the provisions ever have been executed.

The council now says it feels cheated and the insistence by Polis that the demolitions should go ahead will not be supported, "in the best interests of the people of the county."

This is a politically smart move as in one stroke Faro council now fully supports the islanders that are due to lose their homes, highlights the fact that that promised investment for the islands under the Polis programme never happened, positions itself as a champion of the people, may now not have to find alternative housing for displaced islanders and gives good reasons for taking a stance against Polis which it of course is a part of.

Rogério Bacalhau, after months of dithering, now has taken a bold stance and is to be congratulated by the islanders and their supporters.

Hopefully, the council also will advise on and support any legal moves necessary to block the demolition orders which have zero local support.

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