
Minister to face Algarve hoteliers

Planned for the Algarve coastlineThe Hotel Association of Portugal is holding its 25th National Congress of Hospitality and Tourism in Albufeira. 

From 20-22nd of October the congress, titled ‘Networking - explore the networked world’ will take place at the Grande Real Santa Eulalia Resort & Spa.

The welcome address will be given by the president of the Hotel Association of Portugal, followed by an opening session with the Secretary of State for Tourism, Adolfo Mesquita Nunes.

Nunes is making another visit to the Algarve, this time these will be an opportuity for him to answer questions, possible about the 23% VAT rate for restaurants, the damaging affect to tourism from tolls on the A22/Via do Infante, the planned Finalgarve hotel and golf complex at the Lagoa dos Salgados wildlife area in preference to a managed bird haven to attract out of season tourists, the drilling of oil and gas off the Algarve, among others.

Various topics will be addressed in panel discussions such as "How to develop a destination by networking,"  "Social Networks - Towards 100 % occupancy" and "networks of creativity in tourism" which all sound laudable, but rather dull by comparison to the real problems that tourism businesses are facing.

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