
Golden Visa suspects in weekend interrogations

goldLawyers for those arrested in Operation Labyrinth arrived in court today as Judge Carlos Alexandre kicked off proceedings by questioning one of the three Chinese businessmen detained last week in an operation aiming to uncover any corruption involved in the issuing of Golden Visas to wealthy foreigners.

The director of the Borders and Foreigners Service, an employee of the Institute of Registries and Notaries and a Chinese citizen were heard yesterday and questioning continued this morning at the Central Criminal Court in Lisbon.

The former Secretary-general of the Ministry of Justice, Maria Antónia Anes was scheduled to be heard and then the president of the Institute of Registries and Notaries, António Figueiredo.

Jarmela told Judge that he had 'facilitated' some of the golden visa applications when he received 'special requests' to speed things along by senior government officials, such as António Figuerido.

Officers working on Operation Labyrinth arrested 11 people last Thursday on suspicion variously of corruption, money laundering, influence peddling and embezzlement, according to the Attorney General's Office.


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