
Almond milk flies off shelves

almondsThe latest food fad in the UK appears to be almond milk.

Sales of the dairy-free alternative are rocketing at the rate of 70% or more per year in Britain.

Both online grocer Ocado and retailer Sainsbury’s report rapid increases – Sainsbury’s said it experienced a 181% annual increase. Rival Tesco reported increased sales of 45% while Waitrose said it had 71%.

Almond milk’s rise in popularity is probably due to consumer willingness to cut back on dairy products coupled with an increase in lactose intolerance when people cannot digest the natural sugar in milk.

The benefits of real milk have been questioned by health professionals recently. This October, the British Medical Journal published a study which suggested that milk does not prevent bone fractures and could double the risk of dying early.

The trend towards dairy-free is growing so quickly that Mintel says that one in five households now buy dairy-free drinks.

On the down side, California, which produces 80% of the world’s almond crop, is suffering the third consecutive year of drought.

So, here’s a clear cue for Portugal where many almonds are never harvested.

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