
Traders in human misery arrested

refugeesTen people who are believed to be responsible for smuggling migrants into Europe have been arrested in Italy and in Germany.

One of them is believed to be the ringleader behind some 20 treacherous voyages on unsafe boats across the Mediterranean, including the crossing in which some 244 people perished off the coast of Libya last June.

The trips were between north Africa and Europe and took place between May and September. The organisation smuggled people between Italy, Libya, Eritrea and other north African countries.

The ten alleged migrant smugglers, all Eritrean, have been charged with conspiracy and aiding illegal immigration. Another Eritrean was arrested for harbouring migrants.

It is believed that the suspects had networks across Italy and elsewhere in Europe which they used to smuggle the migrants into other European countries.

During the sting operation eight Somali children and one adult were found locked in an attic while the smugglers awaiting payment from the migrants’ families.

Migrant children frequently are forced into work or prostitution by gangs once they are in Europe.

Of more than 12,000 unaccompanied minors who arrived in Italy from Africa this year, about one-third had gone missing from foster homes and government shelters.

Some minors have been forced to pilot the migrant boats to Italy. So far this year, 18 have been arrested and jailed in Sicily on trafficking charges.

The operation was conducted by the Italian police in cooperation with the German police and other authorities.

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