
Madeleine inquiry questioning extended

REDWOODNew broom DCI Nicola Wall arrived at the Judicial Police building in Faro this morning as further witnesses are scheduled to be heard in the Madeline McCann inquiry.

Wall is taking over Operation Grange from Andy Redwood (pictured) and she will be leading the team responsible for the investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann in 2007.

Wall arrived at the Judicial Police building in Faro as news was released that the questioning has been extended until the end of Friday.

The Deputy Chief Inspector officially takes over on December 22, the date that Redwood retires from the Metropolitan police force. They arrived together this morning.

The questioning began on Tuesday and was to end today, but the eight hour session with Robert Murat’s partner
Michaela Walczuck ran over the allotted time yesterday and forced some rescheduling.

The police intend to question the two British managers of the Ocean Club today and a further Portuguese witness if there is enough time. Robert Murat now is due to be heard on Friday.

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