Families prepare to sue gunmaker after children mowed down

rifleThe families of children massacred two years ago at Sandy Hook in the US are to sue the maker of the gun used by the killer, Adam Lanza.

In a writ, the families allege Lanza would not have been able to kill 27 people in five minutes without his “weapon of choice” a Bushmaster AR-15.

It alleges Bushmaster knew that “as a result of selling AR-15s to the civilian market, individuals unfit to operate these weapons gain access to them.

“Despite that knowledge, defendants continue to sell the XM15-E52 rifle to the civilian market.”

It adds that no state in the US requires a mental health evaluation of either the purchaser of the Bushmaster or anyone who might have access to it.

On the second anniversary of the tragedy, parents said they believed the tide is turning on gun laws and demanded action against the easy availability of guns in order to prevent more slaughter.

Seven adults and 20 children were killed by Lanza before he killed himself. Among the adults was Lanza’s mother who had purchased the gun.

Mark Barden, a parent, said that more than 30,000 people die each year from gun violence in the US.

In those two years are the Sandy Hook tragedy, incidents involving guns have taken place in 12 elementary schools, 7 middle schools, 29 high schools, and 45 universities across the US.

The incidents took place in at least 32 out of 50 states.

And the US is not alone. In northern Pakistan today, the Taliban killed somewhere in the region of 140 innocent pupils.