
Belgian PM gets drenched in mayonnaise

belgianPMAnti-austerity protestors lobbed chips and mayonnaise at Belgium’s new prime minister.

Charles Michel, 39, (pictured) took office only in October as leader of a coalition which has promised to increase the retirement age to 67, end the usual cost-of-living raise next year and reduce public spending.

Four activists cried “Michel out, austerity out” whilst squirting mayonnaise and tossing French fried potatoes at him just as he was starting a speech on Monday in the southern city of Namur.

Security guards tackled the protestors. The prime minister, no doubt surprised, managed to smile and later apologised to the audience for smelling of mayonnaise.

Strikes and demonstrations erupted when the austerity measures were announced and have carried on over the past few weeks.

One march attracted more than 100,000 people in Brussels. The violence which broke out during it left dozens of police officers injured.

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