Portugal's renewable energy perfomance offers few benefits to consumers

eonPortugal has risen eight places in a year and is now in tenth place on "The Global Energy Architecture Performance Index 2015."

The index produced by the World Economic Forum looks at 125 countries in terms of their energy competitiveness, accessibility and sustainability.

The results were released last week in Davos, Switzerland showing the Swiss in first place, followed by Norway and France.

Spain ranks 5th but the German energy sector could only manage 19th place despite its emphasis on renewable energy.

The Ministry of Environment and Energy explained that "Portugal has, over the last three years, implemented major reforms in the energy and climate change sectors, which has seen 62% of electricity use coming from renewable energy sources and the lowest level of foreign energy dependence in the last 20 years at 71%.”

The ministry did not cover issues such as why Portugal’s energy consumers paid such a high price relative to income levels, why the benefits of green energy do not feed through to the consumer, why disconnections for non payment of ever rising electricity bills are running at record levels, why control of electricity generation and distribution now is in the hands of non Portuguese companies and why domestic micro generation is subject to such complex and off putting regulation. 


See> http://reports.weforum.org/global-energy-architecture-performance-index-report-2015/