
Portugal - Chinese tourists outspending even the Angolans

shoppingChinese tourists on shopping trips to Portugal are now averaging €1,242 for each luxury purchase they make.

In the last nine months Chinese big spenders visiting Portugal have roared ahead of the Angolans, Brazilians and Russians and now can claim the highest average spend.

Angolan tourists as a group still spend the most, but the Chinese are catching up both the Brazilians and the Angolans soon to become the most important tourist group for Portugal’s luxury goods sector.


According to data from financial company Global Blue, in the first nine months of the year the Chinese have doubled their spend, and their numbers, with indications that within three years they will be challenging the Brazilians who currently are the country’s top spenders.

This growth is due to Chinese demand for top quality jewelry, watches and branded fashion items.

The Chinese, along with any tourist from outside the European Union, can benefit by buying 'tax free' thus saving €230 in VAT on every €1,000 spent in Portugal.

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