
Portugal ducks out of Expo Milano 2015 on cost grounds

expo2015Portugal’s Ministry of Agriculture has decided against exhibiting at Expo 2015 in Milan, on grounds of cost.

"Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life" is the ‘Expo Milano 2015’ theme. The exhibition and conference aims to provide an opportunity to seek solutions to food waste, malnourishment and obesity and serves as a showcase for agricultural expertise.

The ministry estimates that the cost of taking a stand and attending the event from May 1st to the end of October would be €6 million to €8 million which it considers too high.

Reacting to the decision, Luís Mira, the secretary general of Portugal’s Confederation of Farmers said that "This would be a great opportunity to show the world the potential of our agricultural production, especially in the olive oil and wine sectors, both essential foods in the Mediterranean diet which are two top sectors worldwide," and regrets this 'lost opportunity.'

"There's something wrong, I do not see the Deputy Prime Minister Paulo Portas, or the Agriculture Minister Assunçao Cristas wanting to waste this opportunity," said Mira.

For those countries that choose not to have their own national pavilions, the Expo Milan 2015 organisers have a lower cost option called ‘the Cluster. These are exhibition spaces that bring together countries that all produce a specific food including rice, fruit and vegetables, cereals, bio-Mediterranean, and sea and food from islands.
Within each Cluster, videos, installations and photo exhibitions illustrate the history of the food. Cooking demonstrations and tastings will take place, and there will also be a market, where visitors can discover these foods, presented directly by the people who cultivate them.

However, even though this low cost option exists at the largest international food expo in Europe, Portugal will not be represented despite the event drawing representatives from 145 countries and an estimated 20 million visitors.




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