
Sir Cliff investigation 'significantly expanded'

cliffrichardThe police inquiry into historical sex offence against Sir Cliff Richard has “increased significantly in size” and concerns “more than one allegation,” according to the police.

The South Yorkshire Police chief constable also said that as a result no date could be given for the conclusion of the case.

The force conducted a controversial raid on the singer’s home in Berkshire last August. He flew back from Portugal and was interviewed by the police about a sex crime allegation concerning a young boy.

Sir Cliff was neither charged nor arrested.

Chief Constable David Crompton said his force was in regular contact with Sir Cliff's lawyers, according to a 10 February letter to Labour MP Keith Vaz, who chairs the Commons Home Affairs Select Committee,

That involved a "verbal update about once a fortnight", he said.

He added: "It would be premature and potentially misleading to predict a likely date when it will be concluded, however, we are progressing as swiftly as possible."

"This is an investigation which has increased significantly in size since its inception. Sir Cliff Richard's lawyers are aware that there is more than one allegation," he said in the letter.

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