
Portugal's minimum wage beats Bulgaria's €184 a month

gypsiesDue to the recent minimum wage increases in Portugal, the country has left the group of Member States with minimum wages under €500 a month.

Portugal now has the sixth lowest minimum wage, soaring above those earned in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria and Slovakia, reveals Eurostat.

In Portugal the minimum wage now is €589, due to the increase of €84 in October 2014.

Taking into account the 13th and 14th months, the country is placed in the middle group of Member States where minimum wages are between €500 and €1,000 a month.

Portugal remains behind debt plagued Greece where its lowest paid workers earn €684 a month.

Eurostat evaluated the 22 EU countries that have a minimum wage policy and used data from 1 January 2015.

Bulgaria gets the poorest deal with €184 euros and Luxembourg is the place to be with a minimum wage of €1,923 per month.

Between 2008 and 2015, Greece was the only member state in which the minimum wage decreased, down 14%.

In Ireland which also had a bailout, the minimum wage of €1,462 euros has not changed in the last seven years. Portugal recorded an increase of 19% in the same period.

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