
Ebikes now enter the frame

ebikeBritain is falling in love with electric-powered bikes.

The e-bike is not new, but modernising design has given it extra appeal, with some 25,000 now being sold in the UK every year.

The Germans have proved to be keener, with sales hitting 400,000 last year, while the Dutch bought 120,000. But the ringleader was China where, following introduction in the 1990s, more than 200 million have been sold.

British commuters as well as its older population are behind the jolt in sales as the ebike lets the rider do some of the work but takes on much of the strain.

Ebikes are the most energy-efficient motorised vehicle around. They can run for 20 to 50 miles on just one charge of the rechargeable batteries.

If the maximum speed of 15mph in the UK is hit, the motor cuts out.

Their price tags will also cut out a number of would-be buyers. Starting at around £550, costs can rise to £900.

One ebike , the Gocycle, will set buyers back some £2,800, but this is the “Aston Martin” of the electric bicycle world, according to its ex-Formula One engineer designer.

The first model, which went on the market in 2008, has given way to the second generation. The company behind it says it is popular with boat owners for its light weight.

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